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Showing posts from 2017

Welsh Beer Review of 2017

As we approach the end of 2017 it seems like a good time to reflect upon the year. We've seen an exciting year of change on the Welsh beer scene and it would be impossible to capture every single development here. With that in mind, I've decided to list a few of the highlights below: Tiny Rebel First of all we start with arguably Wales’s biggest craft brewery, Tiny Rebel.  It’s been a big year for the Newport brewers, moving into a state of the art new premises in Rogerstone, enabling a significant expansion in production and the development of an onsite bar and brewery tours.  A slight down-note for Tiny Rebel has been the recent case involving the branding of their Cwtch beer. However, an optimist would note the significant publicity and exposure the brewery has received off the back of this episode… In spite of this recent blip, there’s no doubt that 2017 has been a great year for Tiny Rebel. Grey Trees The awards have been pouring in for the Aberdare b...

Y tarfarndai gorau yng Nghaerdydd ar gyfer cwrw crefft

Ychydig o flynyddoedd yn ôl, cyhoeddwyd rhestr o’r 10 tafarndai gorau yng Nghaerdydd ar gyfer cwrw crefft. Mae Walesonline hefyd wedi cynhyrchu cwpl o restrau tebyg, ond wrth gwrs mae rhestrau fel hyn yn dod yn goroedol wrth i rai barrau cau tra i rai eraill agor. Pwrpas y post hwn yw i roi math o “arweinlyfr” diweddar ynglŷn â thafarndau cwrw crefft yng Nghaerdydd. Rwyf wedi penderfynu i beidio rhestru nhw mewn trefn penodol, neu i gynfyngu’r rhestr i ond 10, oherwydd mae’n bwysig i geisio dangos y sefyllfa cwrw crefft llawn. Dros y blynyddoedd diwetha, dwi wedi ymweld â nifer o ddinasoedd yn y D.U., Ewrop a chwpl yng Ngogledd America. Dwi wirioneddol yn credo bod Caerdydd yn cymharu’n dda iawn i ddinasoedd eraill o ran cwrw crefft, ac yn sefyll allan fel un o’r goreuon yn Ewrop. Cyn dechrau, un nodyn: Does dim siopau ar y rhestr. Mae nifer o siopao potel gwych yng Nghaerdydd, ond ffocws y post hwn yw tafarndau a barrau. St Canna's Alehouse Tafarn newydd sy’...

A craft beer guide to Cardiff

A few years ago the Guardian produced a list of the top 10 craft beer pubs in Cardiff. Walesonline has produced a couple of similar lists, but inevitably such lists become outdated as some bars close whilst new ones open.  The purpose of this post is to provide an up to date guide to the craft beer pubs/bars in Cardiff. I've decided not to rank them, or to limit the list to 10 because I believe it's important to try to present a holistic depiction of the thriving craft beer scene in Cardiff.  In the last few years I've visited quite a few cities in the U.K. and Europe, as well as a couple in North America. I genuinely believe that Cardiff stands out as a high quality craft-beer destination. More needs to be done to promote Cardiff as a great destination for a city break, and the city’s flourishing craft beer scene could be a key element of its appeal.  Before I start, one caveat: I've not included bottle shops - although there are some great ones in Cardi...

Digwyddiadau Cwrw Mis Hydref yng Nghymru

Ar ol mis Medi brysur o ran cwrw yng Nghymru, mae mis Hydref hyd yn oed yn well! Dyma rhestr o ddigwyddiadau: Hydref 4 – Small Bar Caerdydd yn dathlu ei benblwydd cyntaf Detholid o gyrfau arbennig, gan gynnwys Walker, Wild Beer co. a To Øl. Hydref 4 – Tiny Rebel tap takeover yn y Pen & Wig, Caerdydd Mae’r bragdy gwych o Gasnewydd yn cymryd dros y tafarn poblogaidd hwn yng Nghaerdydd am y noson. Hydref 6/7 – Small Bar Caerdydd – Track Brewing tap-takeover Detholid da o gyrfau o’r bragwyr o Fanceinion. Yn cynnwys stout imperialaidd, a chwrw sur. Hydref 6/7/8 – Gwyl Cwrw Caerfyrddin 40 o gyrfau gwir, gan gynnwys llawer o Gymru. Cynhaliwyd yn St Peter’s Civic Hall, Nott Square, Caerfyrddin. Hydref 6, 13, 20 & 27 – Oktobeerfest ym Mragdy PIPES 4pm to 7pm pob nos Wener trwy Hydref, gan gynnwys nifer o gyfrau ag ysbrydolir gan yr Almaen. Hydref 7 – Bragdy PIPES Bar Agored Dewch i Fragdy PIPES rhwng 12yh a 10yh i flasu rhai’i gwrw gwych. Yn cynnwys ...

October Beer Events in Wales

After an exciting September packed full of beer events, October just gets better! Here’s a list of upcoming beer events in Wales this month. If you have something we should add, just drop us a comment:   October 4 – Small Bar Cardiff’s first birthday A selection of special beers from the likes of Firestone Walker, Wild Beer co. and To Øl.   October 4 – Tiny Rebel tap takeover at The Pen & Wig, Cardiff Excellent Newport brewers will be holding a tap takeover at the popular Cardiff pub.   October 6/7 – Small Bar Cardiff – Track Brewing tap-takeover A great selection of beers will be available from Manchester brewers Track Brewing, ranging from an imperial stout to a sour pale. Two brewers from the company will be around to chat with punters and answer questions.   October 6/7/8 – Carmarthen Beer Festival 40 real ales, with many great Welsh breweries on show hosted at St Peter’s Civic Hall, Nott Square, Carmarthen.   Oct...